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❯❯ Tech (used in prod)

❯ Development

Python (Django REST framework, FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, Gunicorn, pandas, mypy, etc.)
A hint of TypeScript/React, Gatsby

❯ Infrastructure

Linux (supervisor, apache2, cron)
AWS (ECS, Step Functions, Batch, SQS/SNS, S3, RDS, Glue, Athena)
GCP (Pub/Sub, BigQuery, Spanner, Dataflow)
Terraform, CircleCI, Jenkins, GitHub Actions
Docker, Empire (control layer on top of ECS)

❯ Data

SQL Server, Postgres, Redis, dbt, Snowflake, Looker, Protobuf (protoc)
PyData and PySpark ecosystems

❯ Other

Grafana, Sentry, New Relic, Datadog, Kibana
Plotly/Dash, Poetry, make

❯ Tools

VS Code, iTerm2, Oh My Zsh